Weight Loss Update/ Journey


Well I’ve posted about my weight loss before but it was more towards my lack of confidence in myself. I decided to post about my journey to getting to now a 135lbs weight loss.

When I started my weight loss I was 17 (I am now 20) and weighed my highest of 340lbs. I’ve been losing weight since the start of my senior year. When I first started it was very unintentional that I didn’t even know I had been losing weight, until my best friend pointed it out close to us going to prom. I was very motivated after noticing my changes to continue going further and I guess you could say more extreme with the process. It got to the point I started developing a eating disorder. Even prior to losing weight I had struggled with eating disorders but nothing to the point of fully starving myself. When I noticed what I was doing I had to completely stop for a bit. At this point I was in college. I mean barely living off of any type of food, just ramen and some veggies. I didn’t work out but you’d be surprised to find out I was losing much weight as I had stopped working out and was no longer in gym class (senior year way of losing weight). So I dropped out of school after a year and realizing it wasn’t meant for me. I worked as CAP2 at Walmart for a bit throwing the shipment trucks and constantly being on my feet helped me get on track to working out and even started working out at home. Eventually I was fired for other reasons but I continue dieting and working out at least 3xs a week. My diet didn’t really change. I ate as I pleased but in smaller proportions. I did cut out all sugars and went fully to water and every once in a while would indulge with a soda. When I got into EMT School I weighed around 237 and became even more motivated because I found my passion and wanted to be super fit for my passion. Well I ended up dropping down to 230 by the time of me being dropped from the program for not being able to pass my 3rd exam. I became super depressed, barely left bed, constantly ate to cope with my numbness and I gained a good 20lbs in 2months. In July I got a job at a prison as a correction officer. I went through the academy and became motivated to lose weight again after we had to do bunches of work outs and learn defense tactics. Once I actually hit the floor as an officer that’s when my weight truly began to drop. Being on my feet for 12hrs a day, going up and down stairs all the time. Never getting a chance to really sit down. I also got into fasting when I started cadet training. By my 4th month into the job I switched to night shift and was into intermediate fasting. I wouldn’t eat for 12-16hrs. I would only drink water and chew sugar free gum (which helped me lose weight in my face). I also would only eat one small meal filled with high proteins and took many vitamins. I stopped fasting when I got into a relationship and my boyfriend didn’t like how I was eating. I just hit 135lbs weight loss yesterday 02/07/19 after going to the doctor and seeing I dropped 2lbs. I now weigh 205lbs. I’m sure some won’t believe I weigh 205lbs but I’m 5’8 and my weight has never really gathered in just one place. But this post is for those that constantly asked me how I managed to lose my amount of weight and stay motivated. Trust me it’s hard. It has taken so much motivation and determination. I’ve struggled with my weight since I was in elementary school. Always been worried about how big I was. How I was always bigger than the other girls. I have been bullied for my weight which is why I do lack the confidence I believe I should have but I am working on it. I also thank everybody for the lovely comments on my other post and I’m sorry if I couldn’t say thank you as i have been busy with EMT School, work, and balancing a relationship as well. But I do at least get the time to like and show you I’ve read your wonderful comments. I never even expected to amount of likes and comments but I truly thank and appreciate all of you beautiful women out there that took the time to give me advice and strength and some confidence. 💙💙💙