Idk how to feel... rant.


I've got a 2 year old and a 5 month old at home and got the IUD put in 3 months ago and 4 or 5 days ago I passed a really weird looking clot, and started bleeding very heavily. So yesterday I took a test and got a faint positive, I retested today and got an even more faint line.. we obviously weren't trying but it dosnt make it any less of a loss.. and my doctor said I might have to schedule a DnC ? .. and hes not sure "how this happened" since I have my IUD .. my husband caught me staring at the tests I took and said. "You still looking at those? Why?" And walked away rolling his eyes. I feel like I have no right to be sad... cause unlike so many other couples, we weren't trying, my husband dosnt want anymore kids ever... and I find out I'm pregnant only off a hunch I thought I might be losing it and I was right... but my husband dosnt understand, all because we weren't trying, and he dosnt want any more dosnt mean in would have loved this one any less... I've caught myself thinking, I wonder if you would have been a boy, or a girl. You would have been due in October according to the doctors... my heart hurts. But I also feel numb.. and I feel like I shouldn't, or dont deserve to feel like this.. because I hardly knew you were there..