Worth a Trip to the ER??

Hi all,

So it’s Thursday and the inside of one of my labia started itching BAD, I pay no real mind to it as the itch comes and goes and the times it doesn’t itch last longer than the times it does.

Then Friday comes and I wake up to find myself itching, later throughout the day I find bleeding and I take a picture to find a little sore (like a canker sore but on my labia)

I’m just SO confused- my fiancé and I have been exclusively dating for two years, and we BOTH got checked for STD’s and both came back clean before we got exclusive. Plus he hasn’t gotten anything like what I’ve been having in case it was an STD.

But I have been skipping my period using the Nuvaring for about 3 periods and around Tuesday my period showed up, and I did take a bath Saturday night using a bath bomb and Epsom salts which I’m not used to since I’ve had a stand up shower for the past year.

I’m just so confused if it’s something that’ll go away on it’s own or if I have to go to the ER/PP and take time off work/pay a large deductible.