This boy...🙄😒

M • 24 || ✋🏻 born and raised || 🌸 child

Long distance for a year and a half (we’ve been together for three) and we FaceTime just about every single night and I never get tired of his noisy ass. 😩😂❤️

I genuinely can’t wait to marry this man.

He can snore and mouth breath all he wants, I’m stayin. 😌❣️

Update: it’s nearly 1am (I really don’t know why I’m still awake) but he is snoring so freaking loud and I love it so much and I love him so much and just..❤️

*i genuinely just see all these negative posts about these guys who don’t treat their ladies right and I just look at this man and I recognize that God really did bless me.

Where are all my happy ladies at?? Single, taken, or complicated post a picture showing your happiness. We need more happy in this world. ❤️

6.4k views • 204 upvotes • 178 comments



Posted at
I get to marry this guy in 19 days. 🥰


Abbey • Feb 9, 2019
Thank you so much 💖💖💖


M • Feb 9, 2019
Ahhhh congratulations!!!! That is beyond exciting!! I am so happy for you!❣️


Posted at
We’re RIGHT in the middle of a rough patch right now but I love him more than anything. We’ve been together since we were 15, both 19 now. 💛 there’s a million things that he does to get on my nerves but a billion things he does I couldn’t live without.


Lexie • Feb 17, 2019
So cute


Ca • Feb 16, 2019
Thank you!!!


J x • Feb 16, 2019
You are so beautiful, such a cute couple 🥰☺️


Posted at
💛 a better pic (:


Ca • Feb 9, 2019
Ahhh thank you!


M • Feb 9, 2019
Also, I LOVE your makeup in both your pictures!


Posted at


🍋 • Feb 15, 2019
Guy in the back is third wheeling hard 😂 cute pic!!


Ja • Feb 14, 2019
Omg why are u the most beautiful 😲


M • Feb 10, 2019
So so cute❤️


Posted at
So blessed to have this boy in my life, he's always telling me I'm beautiful and reminding me how much he loves me. Also always talks about how he can't wait for our future and to get married. I couldn't imagine being without him and have never been more in love! 😍❤ Counting my blessings every single day! ✨


M • Feb 10, 2019
Love it❤️


Posted at
He is absolutely my happiness. We started dating right after highschool and have been long distance through college so far (we are both in our third year now). This picture was taken this summer at a chill night at a friend's house, hence why we are both practically in pajamas. It may not be the most photogenic of pictures, but I love it because it shows me that I am his happiness too. My heart absolutely melted when I first saw this pic, he looks so happy to be hugging me.😍


M • Feb 10, 2019
So so sweet❤️


Posted at
Definitely in the middle of a rough patch, and we have just started going long distance. Been with my love for almost 2 years now, and I really want us to last the distance. If any of you ladies have advice on going LD, I’d love to hear it ❤️


Jennie • Feb 18, 2019
Facetime as often as possible, it's so much more personal than phone calls. Use the voice message feature on facebook messenger or whatsapp, that way you can actually hear each others voices and say good night for real. Get Netflix party and watch movies together. Write long letters and talk about all of your fears about the months ahead, it will seriously make you stronger. Facetime with your laptops on the side so you can see each others whole bodies. We like to do it naked sometimes too (not even in a sexual way) just so we can be reminded of what we're missing and why we're doing what we're doing. I'm in a long distance relationship right now, we're 6 months into it and it can get rough, but I guarantee you will come out a stronger couple for it.


Tamara • Feb 14, 2019
When I was in the military I was posted to the east coast while he was in the middle of the prairies. We were long distance for 11 months and I was only able to come visit him twice in that time. The worst was the beginning when I was in basic and phone use was restricted. It was so so hard! But we got used to talking and having a more emotional relationship instead of a physical one. We got engaged when I came home for Christmas and we have now been married 6 years and have 2 beautiful boys. If it is meant to be you guys will work it through. It’s a great chance to deepen your emotional bond without being distracted by the physical stuff.


Chelsea • Feb 14, 2019
Trust and communication are HUGE. I second the attention comment - at first it’ll feel like you’re being needy, but you’re just making up for not being able to see him everyday. Be honest. Communicate everything. We got into the habit of telling each other what we were doing beforehand, if we weren’t going to be able to answer our phones. Always make time for each other. Make each other a priority. My boyfriend (at the time, we’re getting married this April) was on the west coast while I lived on the east coast, so time difference was a thing we had to adjust to as well. But when you find your person, it’s worth it. I’m not saying it won’t be hard, because not being able to snuggle at the end of a long day is the WORST, but if you make each other a priority and trust wholeheartedly, it’ll be ok. ❣️


Posted at
Love of my life. Going on 7 months of marriage!


M • Feb 12, 2019
Congratulations on the marriage and 7 months down... many years to go!😉❤️


Posted at
I mean if you consider long distance a 15 min drive when we can’t sleep together we ft every night and I love the sound of his snores and heavy breathing😩😭😍 can’t wait to officially say that’s my husband🥰


D • Feb 12, 2019
It’s so sweet to me lol I love it♥️


M • Feb 12, 2019
Lol we did the SAME thing when he lived about fifteen minutes away too!! We’ve basically been FaceTiming every night since we started dating (I was traveling within a week of us dating and so we FaceTimed every night then just to talk, and when I came home it never stopped🤷🏼‍♀️😂)❤️


Posted at
We were long distance for a year and a half while I was in nursing school. He’s been my absolute best friend & love of my life for 6 years. 2 kids later and we’re finally getting married next month 💍🌊🌴🌸👰🏼


M • Feb 10, 2019
That is so exciting! Congratulations!!❤️