How to cut back on pumping after re-lactating


I used to have this ginormous supply when DD was first born in August. But in November I went back to work right around the time she started STTN and I also got a Mirena. This took a huge hit to my supply. I had been EBF when I was on maternity leave so I started pumping just when she would eat. I became an exclusive pumper except for a morning nursing session. My supply got less and less and I started going through a lot of my frozen storage. Even supplemented with formula a couple times although she barely took it. I had gone from making about 30oz a day EXTRA (when I was on maternity leave with just pumping here and there) to only making about 13-16oz total everyday. At this point I was pumping about every 3-4 hours during the day, before bed, and right when I woke up (no MON pump).

So I talked to a LC through my insurance and she told me that for 2 weeks at least I needed to pump every 2 hours and not go longer than 3-4 hours at night. So I did exactly what she said. I pumped and pumped and pumped and after about a week and a half I really turned a corner and started seeing major results! Now it’s been a full two weeks and I’m making about 28oz a day (plus that morning nursing session) which is plenty for my girl.

So here’s my question. Now that I’m finally at a good goal how do I drop back from pumping 9+ times a day to a more reasonable number? I feel like I’ve worked so hard to get my boobs back up in working order and I don’t want to drop back too quickly and just end up in the same situation. That being said, DD is almost 6 months old now and although she’s not a fan of solids now she won’t be needing as much milk in the not-too-distant future.

So how should I drop back on my pumping? Cut out one session every few days? When can I cut out the MON session? That one kills me! Although of course it’s always my best pumping session and I know I’m feeding my baby well in the morning because of it.