I’m scared and my anxiety is through the roof


We found out one week ago that I was pregnant (YAYY) but I miscarried about three months ago. When ever I feel like I have to pee or even when I don’t I find my self wiping (TMI) to make sure I’m not bleeding. I started cramping two nights ago and we went to the ER to make sure my HcG counts were rising and they were but I’m only estimated at about 3 weeks so they couldn’t see anything through either ultrasound. The first few days I was nauseas but now I’m not as much nauseous but I’m gassy and my breasts hurt constantly. Is nausea going away this early a bad sign or am I freaking myself out entirely? I legit woke myself up crying last night because I had a dream I miscarried. This is hard and I don’t know if im gonna be able to wait a while mother month for an ultrasound.