Breastfeeding/pumping still worth it?


My baby girl is 12 days old and I really wanted to exclusively breast feed but were having latching issues because I have introverted nipples. We tried a nipple shield and it didn’t seem to help much, so I started to pump my milk and bottle feed it to her.

Sadly though while pumping I’m only getting about an ox to and oz and a half every 2 hours and she is eating about 2-3 oz every 2 hours so I am having to still supplement with formula.

I’m wondering if it’s even worth still pumping the milk because I’m having to pump 15-30 minutes every 2 hours to get only an oz of milk, wash all the pump equipment and bottles and then an hour Has gone by and I have to start pumping again in an hour or so and then re wash everything. It’s very time consuming and making me restless. Especially when she is drinking the milk faster than I am pumping.


And also maybe tips on how to maybe produce more milk?