Playground etiquette


So today at our mall playground, our two year old son was getting ready to go down the slide when an older child (at least 6 years old) who had been already roughhousing in the play area tries to push our son out of the way at the top of the slide. I’m right there with my little guy because the stairs to the slide have been slippery for him. I very sternly say to the child, “can you please wait a second?!?”. My son then goes down the slide and we play for a few more minutes. Out of nowhere, the kid and his Mom walk up to me, and she says “you have a lot of nerve to speak to my child that way, what he does is none of your business”. I respond “it absolutely is my business when it involves the safety of my child”. She then repeats “you really do have some nerve” and I respond “and you really need to work on your parenting skills before your son hurts someone”. She then walks away muttering “I don’t need this crap”. I keep playing with our son and we leave when he’s ready about 10 minutes later. But I still can’t shake the altercation. What would you have done?