3 day light bleeding while breastfeeding after not having a period for 10 months since delivering

My baby is 11 months old and I’m still nursing her .. 3 weeks ago I got some light bleeding after I used the restroom .. I thought I started my period and used a tampon but after switching it out to a new one, I noticed it was red only half way.. that lasted no more than three days of super light flow.

Well this past month I’ve had many days where I feel constant fatigue.. super lazy and unmotivated, and bloating.. today I even felt a lot of cramping.

I kept thinking I could be prego the past two months and all tests are negative .. ( last one was taken about two weeks ago and it was negative) ..

I’ve had a lot of friends and family asking if I’m prego..

Hubby and I have had unprotected sex only a few times so far so I didn’t think I’d get prego and don’t really know if I should get excited or not .. we weren’t necessarily planning on baby number two yet but if we are prego, I’ll be more than overjoyed ♥️