Period, 0h Puh-leeze


Has anyone had happen, if so what would u advise me?

So last month my period came early, like early-early. I thought it was implantation bleeding, but it later became the period. That was the short cycle I ever had and it was 21 days. Well this month I started bleeding again, and this was super super super duper super early making it a 19 day cycle. My cycle keeps getting short and short. We are trying to conceive #2. And because my cycle is off its not making it easy for us. I thought the month of January was just off, but AF took February too, and way to early.

When I was first pregnant, we knew i was pregnant before i even test because we did it on the danger-zone week. I have never been on Birth Control. And before i got pregnant I was a 28 day cycle girl plus i always kept up with my O week to avoid getting pregnant

But now its been so difficult ttc #2

I feel defeated.