5 days late help

So I am now 5 days late which isn’t too odd for me. My period is sometimes a week late.. I’m not sure if that’s considered irregular or not. Right after I ovulated I started spotting it was heavy black almost tar like (Tmi) at first then lightened up but still lasted about 4 days.. when I was done spotting I got a bad cold. My head was pounding and my throat hurt, I was running to the bathroom thinking I was going to throw up but then wouldn’t. The sides of my boobs were sooo sore and I’ve never had that area of them hurt. Usually before my period they just get full and are a little sore but not the sides of them. I could barely put my arms down. Now I’m late and I have what seems like no symptoms. I’m dry down there, no boob pain, I’ve been having vivid dreams every night but that’s it. Also been pretty tired and sleeping way earlier but that’s all. I took a test yesterday and some said there might be a vvvfl but I’m wondering if anyone has gotten a positive after their period was due? I’m not sure what is going on. Or has anyone had no symptoms before?