Period pain/chemical pg normal?


Quick info:

13-25yo: no period pain/little discomfort (16-25 on combi pill)

25-25and pregnant: no period pain

25-26: pregnant

26-27: breastfeeding no period

I stopped BFing when my LG was 13months. I had my first “period” when she was 16months. I say “period” because it was actually a chemical pregnancy. The pain was awful.

Every period I have had since then (4 periods and 1 more chemical pregnancy) the pain has been out of this world. I’d say worse than labour.

Each time:

I feel nausea/am sick

get one bout of diahrea

Almost pass out

Get pins and needles in my hands

The worst cramps I have ever known

I can literally do nothing but lie on the floor trying to breath.

I have had to get my mum or husband to come home from work to look after my LG because for 1-2 hours I cannot function.

Is this normal?

Ps. The two Chemical PGs are the only times I’ve been PG in this time frame.

Thanks for any help x