Feeling devastated... 😥

Lisa • Happily married👫💍 mother of 3 👱‍♂️👱‍♀️👦and 1 👼 baby


So got my beta hcg levels back from the one they did on friday and it came out 19,739 they said it was normal so now i just gotta wait and see how my results come out tomorrow with another blood draw for the beta hcg levels hopfully there going up instead of down

So i went to my first prenatal check up on friday i was 8weeks 2days everything went good until... my doctor wanted me to get a first trimester ultra sound done so i went and got it done and we only seen the sac and no yolk and it only measured around 5weeks :( now i have to have more blood drawn tomorrow (Monday) to see how my beta hcg levels are and compare them to the one i took on friday i also was recommended to get another ultra sound done 11 days after the last one to see if they can see anything in the sac... im just so heart broken because although my doctor thinks i just might not be as far as long as i thought i was but i just have a feeling its going to end in a miscarry again 😔... has any one else experienced this and everything end up being ok??