I need answers!!!


Hello everyone, so I have been having such a hard time figuring out what is happening with me. So I have been having some bleeding in which has been for a couple of weeks now. It has been happening after me and my boyfriend have sex or even during sex. So now it has been on and off some days I’ll bleed and then others i won’t bleed at all. It now has became to the point where me and my boyfriend won’t even have sex some days and when i go to the bathroom there’s still a small amount of blood on my underwear. So I went to my gyn and they did a pelvic exam on me. Got tested for std’s showed up negative. Did a pregnancy test showed up negative. They also did a screening for cervical cancer however I have not got the results back yet. So I was due for my period yesterday but I’ve been bleeding for weeks but now I’m having cramps so I can’t tell whether my period is now coming or what is happening. My period is usually very heavy and I have really bad cramps the first and second day. I’m having cramps however when I went to the bathroom when I wiped there was only a small amount of blood and it was brown/light pinkish. Not bright red like when I usually get my period. I just am concerned and want to know what is going on.