Infertility is not bigger than God!

Kaitlyn • 💍07/09/16 Mama of 1 as of 12/23/19💕 TTC #2

I'm not sure if many of you are women of faith or pray as much as I do for my miracle baby, but I had a moment today that I really want to share with all of you.

I'm a Christian. This morning I went to church and my pastor was testifying of an event in his life. His wife had been diagnosed with breast cancer and long story short when they went to MD Anderson for tests, after much prayer, it was discovered that God had done a miracle and she had no cancer.

While he was giving this testimony he said something along the lines like "cancer is not bigger than God" and in that moment, maybe it was me or maybe it was the Lord but in my mind I clearly heard the words "infertility is not bigger than God!"

I'm not pregnant YET, but God is a miracle worker and we will have a baby!!

For all of us going through this rough journey, God is bigger than your infertility or your husband's infertility!!

I'm praying for all of us to have a BFP THIS YEAR!
