God does answer prayers 🌈

Marli • Hi I`m Marli! I`m Librarian & Angel Mom to Rhett Alec Wright 👣❤️☀️ and a Rainbow Mom 💕🌈🎀 Dachshund collector - Book Lover - Autoimmune Fighter.

*Long post and maybe a trigger from some*

My husband and l have been married for three years. I was diagnosed with PCOS half way through our first year - and of course was told that it would be hard to have children.

Then a few months later our first son was born 5lbs 10oz 17in long 6.11.17 . We’re were happy until he went into code blue, breathing tubes, airlifted out, our son was fighting for his life. He fought 13hours before he passed into heaven. I never held him on this side of heaven alive.... we have been trying for 2 years.

(He will be 2 this year.)

And we have been trying and praying and begging God to hear us ... I thought maybe he had forgotten us, but you see- God didn’t.

One Sunday I sang “Miracles” by Kari Jobe and after it my pastor stopped in in the alter and said- God has heard your prayers - a miracles coming your way soon. -

This was about 2.5 weeks ago this was told over me.

God was saying I haven’t forgotten .

This morning after prayer I decided to test ...

2 bright pink lines appeared. God does miracles. He answers prayers. He brings joy to those who sorrow and mourn. And this rainbow baby is his promise...

our son is a big brother in heaven and I believe God will protect this baby and we will have a normal life again through his healing.

Maybe your loosing hope. Your faith is short.

Hold on! God is on his way! He hears! He heals! I know! I have seen his hand in my life.

Prayers to all ttc !