Your first time that didn’t work out

Anyone else have an awkward story about their first time that didn’t end up happening?

Before my husband, who was actually my first, I tried to lose my v card with another boyfriend. Just remembering how awkward it was makes me start laughing.

We were 17 and had been dating for a year. We were in love, you know how it goes. I was nervous, he was nervous. We were I. His room when it came up. He wasn’t a virgin but I could tell he was so nervous. He couldn’t even get fully erect or keep it. I had noooo idea why. He tried to put it in but because he was nervous he kept going soft. Couldn’t even get it near the hole. 😂😂 So there was no penetration of any kind. I tried to do it on top and again he couldn’t stay hard. 😂😂 We heard someone in the house and decided against it. We never had another chance because I was too nervous. He ended up having to move and we lost touch.

But then I met my husband a year later. He wasn’t nervous 😉😉😉😉

Share your story! Let’s give those out there looking to lose their v cards a laugh or two to ease the awkwardness!!