Due date induction


First off let me say how much reading everyone’s stories helped me get through my pregnancy. Now I’m sitting in the hospital rocking chair with my son writing this.

Well I was due 2/8/19 and I wasn’t having any signs of labor but I only felt my little one move once or twice in 5 hours even after eating twice. I took a nap and I woke up with a pain on my right side and knew something wasn’t right so I asked my mom to take me to triage to get checked. My blood pressure was 170/100 and stayed high so they called my doctor and they told them to start me on Cervidil to start being induced. Let me just say going 12 hours with contractions that came every 30-40 seconds lasting 30-40 seconds was not fun especially with no pain relief. At 9am they took out the Cervidil and I was at 3cms and got an epidural due to my high blood pressure they couldn’t get an accurate reading with my pain. Once I got the epidural I took a nap and at 11 they started Pitocin. They checked me again at 12 and I was4 cms. I took another nap and got checked again at 2pm and I was 6cms I texted my boyfriend that he needed to come back because it wouldn’t be long. I went a few more hours and at 4 I felt a lot of pressure so I told my nurse and they said I was 7cm and a bulging water but the baby was right there. My doctor came in and broke my water and not even 30 minutes later I felt a huge urge to push but was told I can’t because I still had 2cms left but the baby dropped completely and was making hard. By 5 I was at 9 1/2 cm and they started setting up because I couldn’t not push anymore. 5:25 I started to actually push and I pushed 2 times and was told to stop because the cord was around his neck, I pushed 2 more times and he was out at 5:36pm. My perfect baby boy came out weighing 7lbs 15 oz and us 20 1/2 inches long. I have 2 1st degree tears on the outside but other than that me and him are doing prefect 💕

Good luck Mama’s you got this!!!