18 months sleep regression, suggestions??


We’re going through what seems to be an awful sleep regression. About two month ago, the remaining 8 of his teeth decided to cut all at once, and are still coming out in various speeds. He also had his first ear infection, followed by a double ear infection 2 weeks later. It feels like we’ve been giving him pain meds every single night which I feel awful about but the dr says is ok.

Anyways, since this we’ve been more lax with his bedtime, having him fall asleep on us instead of in his bed. Bc of the ear / teeth pain he’s been waking up about 1x a night, getting Tylenol and generally falling back asleep until morning time (us rocking him back to sleep). Over the past 1-2 weeks though he’s being waking up several times a night, REFUSING to go back to bed. He falls asleep on us, but the second we even think of transferring him to the crib he wakes up. Sometimes when we bring him in to bed with us he’ll fall asleep just fine, sometimes not. It’s not a precedent I want to set, though. Even if he does manage to sleep back in his crib, he wakes up between 4:30-5:30am.

Has his happened to you? Any tips you can give a tired momma? I’m also 16 weeks pregnant and his is really draining me.