Fiancé and Porn...


**Update 2**

I’ve confronted him after I, unfortunately, looked through his phone to see if he had lied about watching it that one day or not. Found about 5-6 visits to porn sites, in a row, almost daily. Talked to him. He says his phone was acting up and would open those pages accidentally. I’ve forgiven him but I just don’t know anymore...

**Update 2**


I’m not looking to get him to stop. I know I can’t and if I actually wanted to, then thats just wrong. Its the fact that, after a day of thinking about it, I forgave him and he held me and cried and promised to never watch it again because he now knew it bothered me. Beginning of February was when I’m pretty sure I heard him watch it, and we did talk about it, but he said he didn’t watch it. I trust him 100% but my doubts are probably just due to my anxiety and low self-esteem and self-consciousness. Thats all. Also, not going to deny that I enjoy watching a porn video every once and a while, usually only when I’m really in the mood and he’s not home. But that’s about it.


Ladies, what can I do? He says he hasn’t watched it since the end of December (after we had gotten into a silent fight about it) because he knows I don’t want him to.

Fast forward to like 2-3 weeks ago. When he had watched it before, I had trained myself to listen for the sounds the videos make and the sounds he makes because every time I heard it I had planned to talk to him about it but chickened out last minute. Well, while he was in the bathroom, over the sound of the shower, I could hear a woman moaning and his slight grunting.

I wouldn’t be this irritated with it if 1. he hadn’t already promised to never watch porn again and 2. he didn’t lie to me about not watching it.

I love him with all my heart but its just becoming too much...