Dealing with insecurities

How do you do it?

I’m not sure if this is the right group but....

with social media around and having had a baby; I am working really hard every single day to be happy with my self in the way I look, my professional success and being a good parent. I am all for all the beautiful women and am only happy for them but I’m in constant fear that my husband will find someone better and that I’m not good enough and that’s why he is always on Instagram for two hours while in the bathroom looking at other women. It’s probably not the case, but I can’t get the jealousy and insecurity to go away no matter what I do. I think the fact that he is most sexual is after he has been on Instagram is what triggers it the most. I’ve talked to him about, he claims it’s not the case but i just can’t get past it. How did you get over these feelings and stopped letting it effect how you feel about your self?