Baby eviction πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Notice of Eviction:

Dear unborn child,

Nine months ago, we made an agreement that I would house you, feed you, and keep you as comfortable as possible for a period of no more than nine months. In that period of time, you have caused chaos as well as done all of, but not limited to the following:

1. Expanded the external property exponentially.

2. Caused emotional discontent and physical discomfort to me, the landlord.

3. Re-arranged the interior of the housing unit.

4. Caused disturbances in the night that have kept me and others awake.

5. Been the reason for many major purchases that otherwise would not have been necessary.

6. Several other events that are too embarrassing to be revealed (you know what they are).

As of today, you have been on the premises for 36weeks. You have had ample time to develop and grow as you were supposed to. I am hereby serving you with an eviction notice. You now have exactly 27 days to vacate the premises voluntarily. If you do not vacate, you will be forcibly removed on March 12,2019 I apologize for any inconvenience but I simply cannot take anymore. I understand that the housing conditions have been, to say the least, cramped for the last few months so I am willing to work with you. Once you have vacated the current housing unit, we will make arrangements for you to stay in a suitable alternative to your previous residence.


Your Loving Mommy.