Overbearing mother

My mother was fine at first, but now she's just getting pushy. I told her at the begging of this pregnancy she could not be at the hospital. She has ignored me says she will be driving me and that she will be there. She's throwing a shower 2 weeks before my due date (cutting it close). I told her I wanted to try and exclusively breast feed, so she got me bottles and tried to purchase me a pump. When I said no, she said she needs it so she can feed him. She did not like that my registry was in my husband's name (because it's his Amazon account) and she demanded I change it to my name. Then today she informed me that what was in my registry wasn't sufficient and told me all the things that I need to put on my registry. On top of everything, she's been telling people that I'm not going to let her see her grandkid WHICH IS TOTALLY UNTRUE AND IVE NEVER SAID OR IMPLIED SUCH THINGS. She's going to kill me I swear...


I'll explain the breast pump thing. I was originally fine with pumping some. I've heard it's really helpful. But my mother is partially the reason I did not want a pump. I've been saving up my paychecks so when the little guy comes, I can stay home with him for 6 weeks before I have to go back to work (I won't be getting maternity pay and I'm set to start a new job after the 6 weeks are up). My mother came out and said I should not do that and start work back a week after delivery and that she would then keep my son with her while I started my new job. Not having a breast pump was sort of an excuse for me to tell her he'd be sticking with me at home for awhile. She was not even worried about the breast pump untill I told her that I would be staying with him for 6 weeks (which I can afford because I've been saving). I don't hate my mother or anything, I'm just feeling a little smothered. She acts like I don't have a clue what I'm doing, but yet my employment for the past 4 years has been tending to babies and very small children, every day. I'm no stranger to how babies work but the remarks she makes, they make me feel like I'm doing everything wrong.