Beta test hcg came back 11.2


Hello I am 42 will turn 43 in sept this year. I had a reversal done May 2018 and have been trying to conceive since. We had a miscarriage in sept 2018 at 5 weeks and now I just had a light positive on frer and went for blood test today at RE they said it was positive but low. I would be just 14 dpo today and I think I I had implantation around 9 dpo. So my worry is the low hcg has any of you ladies started with such low hcg and have a healthy pregnancy? So worried about another miscarriage. They will draw blood again in two days.

Update: I had my second beta and the nurse said my number was great it is 48 it more than doubled. So it has made me feel better but hoping everything goes well still really early. I am only 3 weeks and 6 days and my due date is October 25 th 2019.

Update: So I had my levels checked again yesterday and I was 4 weeks 6 days and level came back 1019 still trying to not stress and stay positive will have a sonogram done next Thursday to try and rule out etopic.

Update: had to go to urgent care because of lower left pain on 2/22 and they did Transvaginal ultrasound but didn’t see anything but thick lining of 1.5 but the said it was good sign and my hcg level came back 1995 which they were happy with hopefully when I go for another ultrasound on 2/28 they will see more.

Another update:(. Sadly even though my numbers were rising correctly I ended up having an etopic in my right tube. Had surgery to remove tube and baby 3/2 which was 6 week and 2 days with a hcg of 14,000. Wishing baby dust to all and I will eventually be able to try again.