Birth story


Baby pictures at the end.

After a month I'm finally getting around to writing my birth story for y'all I loved reading these throughout my pregnancy!

So my so and I went to our 38 week dr appt on Monday 1/14/19 I was 37 weeks 5 days and my boy had been measuring 3 weeks ahead in the 99th% so we got an ultrasound to check growth that morning and he weighed in at 9lbs! I just knew I'd have a a 12lb monster when it was all said and done.

So they stick us in a room right off our Drs office and we can hear her on the phone talking about what days that week she had open for inductions and we joked about it being for us but I figured it wasn't because she said before she wouldn't induce before 39 weeks.

Well she walks in and the 1st thing out of her mouth is "so do you guys want to have a baby Wednesday?" We were so shocked and so excited. She decided it was best for both baby and I because of how big he was measuring. So we worked out all the details and arrived at the hospital Tuesday night at 10pm to start the induction process😄

They poke me for an IV draw my blood and finally insert cervadil to ripen my cervix because I was only 1cm and 50% effaced. They reinsert cervadil every 3 hrs needles to say between the constant checks and the excitment I only got about 2 hours of sleep. At 8 am wednesday morning our Dr comes in and starts me on pitocin. They up it every half hour but the contractions never got over a pain level 5 for me and I was sitting at 3 cm after about 1pm. At about 7pm they decide to give baby and I a break because baby was getting tired. So hubby went and got us sonic (best meal ever!) And I showered then layed on the couch with my head on my hubbies lap because I was tired of the dang hospital bed well not even 10 minutes later I have a contraction and pop! I tell my husband "I'm pretty sure if I stand up right now my water broke" that freaked him out but I didn't feel any gush so I just stayed where I was. Until I felt a gush and got up so fast and yelled at my husband to grab one of the piddle pad things they have on the bed for me to stand on. So there I am standing in a piddle pad gushing feeling like I'm peeing myself and call for the nurse. She comes in and says yay i was hoping it would break if you would relax.

So the dr decideds to wait and see if my body will start labor on its own before putting me back on pitocin. It didn't so at 3am tgey started the pitocin back up because I was still only at 3cm. The night and Thursday morning were pretty uneventful used the peanut balls and yoga ball to try and help and nothing happened my nurse who is seriously one of my favorite people now checked me around 1030 and i was finally at a 4.

Then right at 11 things got intense pretty fast I went from talking amd laughing durning my contractions to on all 4s rocking trying to get comfortable then on my side rocking squeezing my hubbys hand. I planned on going all natural and only wanted nitrous oxide for any kind of intervention. Well around 12 I needed something so they get the gas all hooked up and I used it for on contraction and I swear it did NOTHING! I remember looking up at my hubby and saying somthing along the lines of "I'm so sorry but I need the epidural." So my amazing nurse ordered it for me right when i got my next contraction so I put the gas mask back to my face and bamb! I get sick and they barley get me a bag in time I thought it was from the nitrous oxide so I threw the mask so mad that the one thing I needed betrayed me haha. Well my nurse informed me it wasn't the gas but my body was probably at 7 cm. So she decides to check me and guess what! I'm at 9! And she tells me its to late to get the epidural and I was doing this on my own the time from throwing up and 1230 when I was complete and started pushing was the felt like the longest and hardest time of my life my contractions were back to back and hurt like nothing else I just remember my hubby holding me what felt like together and telling me that I had this and he was so proud of me. I honestly don't know if I could of done it without him. So at 1230 with the help of my nurse we start pushing and the ring of fire is real! But what nobody tells you is that its not just when the head comes out its the entire time the head is sitting there even between contractions so your burning while you're trying to recover between pushing. And pushing is just like taking the biggest poop of your life!

Well the Dr is finally called in and its show time! 2 big pushes later 1:01pm they are placing this slimey perfect boy on my chest, and I was in complete shock that I made this and that I just had a natural birth. After hubby cut the cord I let them take him to weigh him and get him cleaned up and weighed in at 8lbs 3oz 20 inches long. And then my amazing husband was carrying our son back to me and it finally hit me that our boy was here and our family is complete and when we locked eyes my hubby and I lost it we cried together while holding our boy.

I needed 2 stitches which i didnt even feel.

Ladies I'm sorry for such a long post but that day was perfect 2 hours of active labor and a beautiful healthy baby. I'm so excited for you and i cant wait to read your stories!

And here's my smiley boy.