For those of you who need spiritual motivation

Kristy • Married the love of my life🤵🏻👰🏻4/21/18. Lost our angel baby at 11 weeks👼🏻 12/6/18. Had my rainbow baby boy👶🏻 3/27/20. Lost our 2nd angel baby boy at 21W3D 6/3/2022 👼🏻. Pregnant with rainbow baby #2.

Whether you’re ttc, are going through a miscarriage, or waiting on a bfp, I hope to spread a little faith to you. I still have some hcg left over from my miscarriage in December (a very small amount). Despite what we have heard doctors and other people say, we decided to try again after my first cycle. We have kept our faith in God and know that he will answer us. On the day I found out I was ovulating, I prayed for God to give me a sign if he wanted us to try again now. While looking out my back door, I saw a beautiful cloud in the sky that to me resembled a baby. I combined that picture with a verse from Exodus 26. Have faith ladies. Your time will come. May God bless all of us in our journeys to motherhood. Amen!