Eating disorder I need help

So I have bulimia and I’ve only told 2 people and it was a while ago and as far as they know I’m totally fine now. But I’m really not and I’ve been struggling for over a year now and I don’t know why I’m so scared to talk about it. I’m so embarrassed and mad at myself for it. I just keep it a secret and I like it that way. But I’ve gotten to the point that I really want and need to talk to a therapist but I’m 19 and don’t have the money to just go without having my parents help pay. So I need to tell my mom but maybe I could just tell her I want a counselor and not say anything about the eating disorder? I’m really close with her so I know I can talk to her about it but I know how much it would worry her and break her heart to find out that I’ve been dealing with this for so long. I could tell her I just need a counselor because of anxiety because I did that when I was in middle school so I’ve had anxiety many times before. All I know is I need help I’m just afraid to have that conversation with my mom because I don’t want to make her sad