I’ve had strep throat for a month! WTF do I do (please read 😫)


I went to the doctor Jan 7 and had a positive strep test. Since then...

-1 round of Azithromycin (I’m allergic to penicillin)

-back to Dr after Azithromycin for pain meds because I wasn’t better

-back to Dr again (pos strep test) and prescribed a 10 day round of Clindamycin

-back to Dr AGAIN (pos strep test) prescribed 10 day round of cephalosporin (this was today)

Now I’m in so much pain and I don’t know what to do. I am going to see ENT but has anyone ever experienced this? I also have a horrible yeast infection so yay me

For those asking, yes I still have my tonsils