Some advice as I’m frustrated!

I’m keeping this anonymous since not sure what friends are on.

I have this friend beautiful single mom of 2. She’s blonde fake boobs looks like a Dallas cowboys cheerleader(can you see her haha) I absolutely love her but I’m getting sick of this:

I’m younger then her and married no kids(she always mentions how she wishes she was engaged or married) I personally think she’s prettier then me but in no way am I jealous or think I’m ugly haha she’s CONSTANTLY saying how she’s not pretty, calling herself fat, or talking down about herself. Or she’ll ask if she’s too fat or ask if she looks pretty. We all tell her yes you’re pretty, yes you look good. At my bachelorette party my sister mentioned something about how some girls do that to just hear how pretty they are. So the last time we all went out I remembered this and stopped. She then proceeded to tell our other friends how I said she was ugly(when I told her she looked good) then later that evening (after we were all pretty drunk) she told our friend she should stay with a manipulative boyfriend because he pays SOME of the rent and that she needs to suck him off more. I realized this was not healthy and made me think if her problems are more serious then just being vain. Any advice from girls who have been the vain girl or have had friends like that? Would love some advice and thoughts from some people who don’t know us haha I love my girl but it can be exhausting

Casey: thank you! I will definitely see about talking to her. I love her and I don’t want to stop talking to her especially since it’s a deeper issue for her.

Rachael: wow that was dead on! Thank you for all that. I do genuinely love her and I want her to be happy with herself! We all love her but we can’t be her happiness. I will definitely see about helping in anyway I can.

Lisa: Thank you for sharing! I’m sorry you had to deal with that! I will keep your experiences in mind when talking to her. It makes me sad that she could feel that way but as her friend I want to help