He is Here 💙 Birth story.


February 11, 2019 Weighing 7lb 8oz

Sunday I begin bleeding having my bloody show with no signs. Monday morning I was still bleeding but now was having back pain that was sharp. I started tracking midday and they were five minutes apart. Decided to finally go get checked. They monitored for a little then checked and I was already 4cm and 80% effaced. Things got real after that. Got over to the hospital got all hooked up. Contractions begin to be stronger. I had back labor so that was the worse. I was so hysterical and scared they had to drug me before the epidural and I was feeling good. I didn’t even feel him do the epi I kept asking if he was done yet lol. He said I was the most funniest and best patient he had all day. I was full of smiles. The epidural completely numbed me. I didn’t feel the catheter I didn’t feel the checks. They changed my position to get him moved down. In one hour I went from 6cm to 9 1/2. Once I hit 10 it was time to push and I literally felt nothing. When he came out all I felt was my stomach deflate. The doctor had to cut me a little to take care of me not tearing bad. So just a 2nd degree tear and some stitches. I feeling good. Still wearing off the epidural. My legs have been sooo numb. Baby is healthy and he latched in right away.