Intuition telling me I’m pregnant?

Symptoms I’ve experienced so far:


Food aversions

Tender boobs

Areola’s seem bigger and a tad darker

More prominent veins in my breasts

Vomiting occasionally (only had a few vomiting episodes)

Head fuzziness/forgetting a lot of things lately and more frequently

Feelings of bubbles or popcorn popping in my uterus (I think? Could just be gas but I’m telling you I’ve never felt feelings like this before in my belly) and last night I felt what felt like 3 prominent taps but coming from inside me.. it was weird idk how to explain that one.

Diarrhea AND constipation

Thicker discharge

For a few days my urine had a weird orange tinge to it but I associated it with dehydration even though I’ve been dehydrated before and my pee wasn’t that color

I’ve had wonky cycles. Didn’t get my period for two months, every test was negative then had a short and light period and then my cycle went wonky again and I was late again but tests still said negative.

Very vivid dreams (at one point it was every night for over a week and now it’s just occasionally)

I’m sure there’s more I just can’t think of right now but yeah.. I’ve had this gut feeling. My intuition tells me I’m pregnant but tests keep coming back negative.

I’ve read stories where women don’t know until baby is born, some find out when they’re 3+ months and all took hpts and even blood tests that came back negative but when they demanded an ultrasound, baby was right there wiggling around.

I know what I need to do is get to a doctor, and I will be. Just wanted to see what you all think?

You can tell me I’m crazy I won’t get offended lol, but I would love to hear any stories from women who have experienced this or know someone who has.

I’ve been trying to let it go telling myself I’m not pregnant and just overreacting but I can’t shake this feeling that I am. I find myself touching or rubbing my belly throughout the day and stop myself when I realize what I’m doing. It’s just so strange..