Should grandparents feel different about grandchildren coming from their son rather then daughters

Ok, I posted before I just want an explanation on your opinion on why this could be different.

What’s your experience ?

I totally think there’s shouldn’t be a difference because a grand child is a grandchild.

I do have an ok relationship with her.

would it matter if she perhaps didn’t like me so much?

She never visit him in his first year.. only way she see him now is if we go visit. She acts normal..

She in other hand when her daughters had babies was there 24/7

Pretty much took care of the babies..

Help me understand, I’m hurt and confused on why this could be the issue?

Only reason why I think this might be it’s because my partner when I was trying to talk about it with him said

“Well your not her daughter, so its different”

I totally get that of course I don’t expect her/or anybody to love me..

but why would it matter about her grandchild.

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