Nervous about having a girl

Charlotte • ❤️

So I have a 1 1/2 year old son. I’ve always wanted a son ever since I can remember. He’s my little best friend and I love him so much. This time I was hoping that I would have a girl and sure enough I got lucky enough to be having a girl! I’m now 37 weeks and I’ve been thinking how different it will be. Im so nervous now to have a little girl. I know how to be a mom to my son but I’m worried about how different it will be with my daughter. I just never saw myself really having a daughter so Idk I’m just pretty nervous I guess. I haven’t been feeling the same connection I felt to my son. I love her and want her, I’m just scared and I worry about what if I get that feeling that I don’t love her the same or something?! I don’t want to feel that way! Does anyone else experience this?