Venting ftm


So I’m literally venting.. Keep your negative comments to yourself I’m not downing anyone I’m speaking on my personal life.

So I absolutely hate it when ppl criticize me on why my 6 month old doesn’t wear shoes. So my friends treat their kids as doll babies. They buy their kids Jordan’s Gucci Uggs you know the name brand expensive stuff for their children ages newborn to 1. I in turn think that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard or seen. Yes it’s cute but for one they aren’t going to be wearing it for a long time. Two you barely have the money to pay your bills but can buy you kids stuff they don’t need. Three there’s so many other things that the money you spent on that unnecessary stuff could’ve been spent on things your asking everyone else for. Your kids have the new Jordan’s but your calling asking everyone for money to buy diapers and wipes. Like am I the only one that feels this way?!?