Could i be pregnant from pre cum? Please read details before answering

So my ex and I were hanging out yesterday and got very drunk. We were cuddling and then some how ended up pantsless. And I sucked his dick a little and there was alot of pre cum happening. He then said he would rather not have sex since he was seeing people so he was going to just take care of things to get rid of the urge but as he was he pulled me on to him and it slipped in and he thrust a few times before pulling back out and then going to the bathroom to finish. I was like in shook at that because we haven't done anything since October so i was kinda taken aback that it happened but also that it stopped but what ever. So we then went to the couch and started watching a movie and with in like an hour he was hard and again somehow we just started getting frisky again and he pulled me on him and again put it in me and thrust a few times before shoving me away and taking care of himself in the bathroom. So now the problem is I ovulated yesterday. I know I did because my cycle is very regular. Could I have gotten pregnant? Between the two times he was maybe inside me for like five minutes at most and while I know there had been pre cum already happening the first time I don't know if there was the second time.

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