Giant Baby=Early Induction?



My name's Alisia, I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant (EDD March 5th), and I'm considered high risk. I have epilepsy, an AV Block (heart issue), and Von Willebrand's (my blood doesn't clot like it should). Fun times!

But on top of all of that, my OB just informed my boyfriend and I last week that we're looking at having a 9-10 pound baby (at least)! His head is measuring 5 weeks ahead of average, and his abdomen is measuring 4 weeks ahead of average. OMG.

Today, my high-risk OB called and informed that they're planning to induce me on February 26th, because they want everything to be as planned as possible considering all my health issues and baby's size. Of course, she failed to mention whether we'd be doing a c-section or not. :(

Has anybody else run into similar issues? Does anyone have any suggestions (this is my first baby)? Could early induction cause more harm than good?

I'm a mess over here!