Multiple Blighted Ovums


So this sucks. I’ve never posted in here, but i feel lost and need some hope.

In the last 6 months, I’ve experienced two miscarriages due to Blighted Ovums - the first being in July of 2018 and again in January of 2019. The first time around i was told it was a fluke, that it was common and probably wouldn’t happen again. I was so optimistic with my second pregnancy until i started spotting...i could feel in my gut it was all happening again. And it did, and it was sucky (i had a d+c for my first mc and then passed naturally on the second...both equally as sucky).

I believe in things happening for a reason. But I’m also curious to hear from anyone who has has experienced this multiple times - did you go on to have a healthy baby? Did you find a cause? Did you have specific labs done? Did you see a specialist? Take any specific medications? Lifestyle changes? Was it your partner? Was it you? Any info can offer me would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you!