I need help!! 💅🏻


So for one of my Valentine’s Day gift from my fiancé is getting my nails done. I used to go to this place since I was 14 years old so almost 10 years now. I usually go for the regular plain square white tip manicure but this time I decided to go with an oval shape nail. I looked on google for ideas and I choose one and so today I went to go get them done. He first told me that it was pointed shape not oval, okay that’s fine and he told me with design it would be $45, again okay that’s fine, I usually pay $30 for my regular manicure anyways. It was weird because the lady clipped my nails and filed them then sent me to the guy who did the acrylic nails and shaped them then sent me back to the lady again and she painted my nails then he came back to do the “design”. He asked me to show him the picture again so I did, he said it wouldn’t look right if I spelled “love” out on two different nails so I asked him if he wanted to spell out “love” on one nail and he said yes. I said fine since he is a “professional” and “knows” what he is “doing”. We were done and he asked if I liked it and I said yes because I didn’t want to be rude and I thought maybe I could get used to them. At the end, he charged me $50! Of course I paid anyways, it was only a $5 difference from the previous amount he told me earlier. I still tipped since I do every time. I was already there for an hour and half, I had to go pick up my son so I didn’t stay there to look at each nail long and hard. Once I got home and talked to my mom about them and sent pictures, I came to a realization that I hate them and they look like an 10 year old did them. At first I kept telling myself that next week, I will just take nail polish remover to the nails and repaint them myself but no, I just paid $50 for the damn ugly things!! Plus I was told that once I apply the remover that it will take the nail off. I really want to go get a refund, I don’t even want them to fix it because all the nails are fucked up, from the shape to the color to the design. First thing, should I go try to get a refund? Even my mom noticed how uneven each nail was and she just saw a picture over text! Secondly, will they even refund me?!

Here is a picture of what I wanted:

And here is what my nails look like:

They are so uneven, literally every single nail are not the same on the opposite hand and on each side of the nails are not even the same either. The color of the nails are not even close to the picture, which I accepted when I was there since I didn’t think I would get the exact same color as the picture but the more I look at it, the more the colors don’t even resemble the color in the picture like for example, I wanted a matte pink and I got a light pink, I wanted the glitter gold but instead got a color gold with tiny bits of glitter which is not the same. Plus the “love” looks like I tried to do it myself, he didn’t even write it in cursive and on the right hand, was suppose to be no writing at all and the “E” is not even an “E”, he didn’t put the middle line in the “E”. I really want to go in there tomorrow and tell them that I thought I would like them and get used to them but I don’t like them and show them all the things I don’t like which is every thing about the nail and have them take them off and refund me back. I feel like I wasted my whole $50 and wish I could go back and actually sticked up for myself and tell them I didn’t like the service and to take them off. Usually it’s the owner or his wife who do my nails but they haven’t been in the salon for over a month now. I know this is long but what would you do? I’m also going to post in another group so sorry if you see a duplicate of this post. TIA!!


Not sure if you guys care about an update but decided to do it anyways. I went in today and calmly told them that my nails weren’t not what they were suppose to be and I didn’t like them at all. At first they told me “no refunds” so I asked if they could fix them and pay me the difference but they said no and that it would be $15 extra to reshape and repaint them but I wasn’t having it because I paid $50 for something that was messed up but in the end he reshaped my nails and repainted them and the shapes are not totally even but you can barely tell unless I point it out. I didn’t have to pay $15 extra but I didn’t get paid the difference either. I’m way more happier with my nails than I was yesterday and it’s definitely a lesson learned because for now on I will do my research on a nail place and if I don’t like them right there and then, I’m going to say something rather than go home and come back and say something. I am still leaving a bad review because maybe there is that one person who will do the research before going to a place and I just want to warn them about my experience so they don’t end up making the same mistake I did and that was my last time going there. Thank you guys so much for the advice! ❤️ May your Valentines day be blessed with lots of love 💕

Here is what I wanted instead:

Here what’s it looks like:

They definitely look similar than the previous nail that I wanted so I’m way happier now. Also I didn’t get the white with the glitter on the bottom because I just did not want to risk him messing it up so I just decided to stick with the two colors. 🙂