Feeling discouraged


Hi all. I just need to let it all out and talk to ladies who are experiencing the same thing. I'm 39, 40 in September. My husband and I have been TTC since October of 17, but not seriously trying, tracking, getting out timing together, 100% all in until this winter.

I went to my OB monday to talk about everything and my options bc I'm not pregnant.

However this month my breasts have been so sore, like painfully sore, and I had the cramping anx discharge like I do with ovulation, but never got that peak on my Digital OPK.

I was concerned and mentioned it to my OB. But I felt dismissed. I am overweight. It's been a struggle for longer than I want to admit. But I feel like she just kept pushing that fact that I'm old and fat. She recommended a diet that I follow and I will. They also took a blood sample to check hormones. I was closest to day 21 (24 actually) of my cycle and will have more blood drawn on the 3rd day.

But she never answered my questions. She information me about <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> and helping my husband's sperm meet my egg... i don't remember what that's called. But just said that the first method only gives us a 35% change of becoming pregnant and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> will only give us a 40% chance.

I went in feeling very anxious and overwhelmed, then left feeling heartbroken and hopeless.

I know we're older. I know my clock is ticking. But I couldn't control the events in our lives. I couldn't make my husband be ready sooner. Also, do to a mix up, i wasn't added to health insurance until January. We got married in 2017 amd HAD to be married for me.to join his ins. I had Obamacare.

Anyway. I guess I'm just asking for some reassurance. She made me feel like I'm menopausal and have no hope of us being parents. I have No menopause symptoms. I just dont know. Half of me wants to take a HPT. But the if it's negative I'll be heartbroken. But if I get my period next month I'll be heartbroken... so who knows. I've been so upset since Monday.