Frustrated and confused:/

Okay so i usually have a Niagara falls type period day 1 to the middle/end of day 5. But this period has been super weird. I was 2 days late and thought i could be pregnant bc i was feeling super off and wasnt getting normal af symptoms but instead Pregnancy type ones. My boobs were changing alot also which was weird. But I havent cramped except one day and usually i cramp the whole time and its always bad cramps. But this is day by day what its been like

Day 1: light flow (not normal especially 2 days late)

Day 2: able to almost fill a pad

Night of day 2: almost nothing

Day 3: nothing then medium amount then nothing

Day 4: very very light spotting all night and today. Most spotted when wiping.

Day 5: old blood filled cm

I know my grandma had weird periods while pregnant w all her kids and not enough hcg in her urine to detect it. Idk if that could be happening to me. My period has always been the same for the last 5 years even under stress. Can someone maybe give me some insight? Im gonna go to the doctor soon but i just want to know what the possibility is of that happening.