Blowjob tips!

Thought I’d share some of my tip with y’all! In no particular order, my words of wisdom are;

1. If you have a mild gag reflex, don’t eat too much before you give a BJ. Personally I find that my reflex is more sensitive after I’ve eaten a lot.

2. Gagging is partly a mental thing. If you’re thinking and worrying about gagging, odds are you’ll be more likely to gag. But if you’re calm and just breathe through it, you’ll be less likely to gag.

3. Brush your tongue. Trust me. Brush over it until you find the spot that makes you gag and then brush a little father back once you don’t gag anymore (I don’t mean swallow the brush, cause you definitely don’t want to do that 😂)

4. Breathe. Through your nose. Trust me. I practice this when I brush my teeth and it’s helped me nail the breathing as I’m sucking my man off.

5. Use your hand. Sometimes I deepthroat my man and let him control the pace of his movements, but sometimes I either get tired or I can tell my gag reflex isn’t as controlled as it usually is, which is when I’ll start stroking him as I’m sucking. My hand being there prevents him from going deeper which gives me more room to breathe and relax.

Again, these tips are strictly from my personal experience; what works for me might not work for you. Are there any tips that you gals have/want to share?