Trying to Conceive!


So me and my boyfriend have talked in the beginning of this year about having a baby. I've never tracked my ovulation before. I've been on birth control for YEARS and stopped taking it the beginning of this year. We had sex 5 days past the time I was supposed to ovulate (In January). The day after, I started feeling weird and had symptoms I've never had before getting a period or anything. It was way too early to start feeling period symptoms so I waited a week to take a pregnancy test. I took one during the afternoon which I knew wasn't gonna be positive. We were upset at first but agreed we would keep trying. So now I am 10 days late for my period which was supposed to start February 5th. We had sex from February 5th-9th, and then again on the 12th and today (Valentine's day). According to this app, my fertile days are from Feb 14th-20th. I am supposed to ovulate on the 19th... Wish us luck. (By the way I just turned 22 on February 9th!)