The love of my life didn't want to come out "he thinks its way to cold out" lol


I was due on 1.25.19 but my son had other plans, he wanted to stay in and keep warm. Got induced on 2.1.19 and still he wouldn't budge😕 on 2.2.19 they had to up the pitocin to 8 to get somewhere..the pain was terrible omg I was rolling in bed then my water started to leak when the Dr came to make sure it was my actual water they say poop, I got scared after reading the stories with micosin. They weren't to alarm by the poop said he just poop in me that was around 2.45am. couldn't take the pain and ask for epidural 20 min later the guy came in was preping me and when he stuck that needle in my back my water broke full blast the poor nurse that was holding me got splashed on and I felt so bad I couldn't stop apologizing to her. At 9.40 am they check me to realize my son head was turnt and that was the reason he would not come there bright idea was for me to push and force him down as the nurse used her fingers to stretch me..that was the worst pain and very uncomfortable ever...I pushed every 2 mins for 2.25 hrs before they ripped me open getting a 2nd degree tear from the Dr and nurse stretching me...but all in all once my baby came out all anger I had went out the window..born at 12.25 weighing 7.4oz 21 inch long.