This pregnancy went nothing like planned or my first one starting from the beginning

This pregnancy went nothing like planned or my first one starting from the beginning. Ended contracting repeatedly starting from the last two months. By my 30th week I was already dilated by 1 centimeter and it stayed that way until I got induced officially with Pitocin today around 7am. I was 3 to 4 centimeters dilated around 7am and 5 centimeters by 10am. I was forced to have an emergency c section after they noticed his heart rate continuing to drop during every contraction and my blood pressure dropping with each as well. Once they opened me up, they noticed that his face was cutting the airflow on the umbilical cord by the pressure placed on it. They still aren’t 100% sure what caused our bodies to react that way. I was close to almost being forced to go through my very first c section alone if they were forced to put me under anesthesia. During the c section, I was having a bad reaction to something by having uncontrollable major constant shakes that was making me colder and colder til I was being given something to increase my body temperature during and after the surgery. Took hours for me to get back to normal. 
That was the first time I ever went through anything like that and I am very thankful that I had an incredible man standing by my side the entire time who did everything possible to make sure we were both ok at all times. My first pregnancy was smooth sailing while this one was nothing but complicated. I am just glad we are both ok. One positive about this pregnancy that differed from my last is that I got him to latch so now I can finally breastfeed. I’m glad everything is finally over.