for the last two months i have been breaking out on my cheeks/jaw/under jaw areas and i have tried clindamycin, tretinoin, tea tree oil, black soap, and everything. i have never had to experience acne this badly in my life EVER. i drink water, i exercise, i switch my pillowcases, i make it an effort to keep my hands out of my face, and i have been persistently trying to rid myself of these bumps on my face. the dark spots have lightened but i wake up with little clusters of bumps almost everyday and i don't know what to do. can anybody reccomend anything that will spot treat or if this sounds similar to some issue you have experienced, please help. i am almost desperate at this point. i have gone from flawless, poreless skin, to waking up with little clusters of bumps either on my cheeks, or under my jaw line everyday for almost 2 months. please help.