Family issues

So i just had my son on the 15th. I live with family. Theres 11 people in the house. My mom watches him at night something she offered. Theres 3 other children who belongs to my cousin. 1 is austic. Today i wanted to take him with me to my job to sign paper work. Well a war started and my cousin told me to move on after that depressing and stuff shouldnt be shown or known about and basically said i shouldn't have anything to worry about. I didn't ask to be kicked out by my child's father. I didnt ask for stuff to happen like it did. I rather be back in the homeless shelter than here. The biggest thing that is getting to me is they are trying to raise him. I wanna work but they said fincal stuff shouldnt be my first problem. That goes away i have every thing else in order. Never though of harming him nor myself. But they keep throwing that up like i would do something. Im like i barley do anything with him now... Sorry long vent just dont know anymore