Dear you

I wish you actually tried to see the real me and see me and not the person that I was in the past. I don’t know why your so angry at me for something I wish never happened to me, I had no control for something so painful to happen to me. I am so confused still as to why you feel this way towards me. And I don’t get why you think of me with disgust. I truly thought you were different and understanding but you proved me wrong. I honestly don’t even know what to say anymore in order for you to believe me because according to you I’m not trust worthy and a terrible person you can no longer look at which hurts me so bad because I thought I had found the one. It truly breaks my heart and makes me want to never find love, it gives me zero hope I’ll ever find some one like I once thought was the true you. I am so numb from the pain I am feeling inside. I don’t know what to think or what to feel. And I’m sure you’ve probably already moved on as to what I think you have while I’m over here trying to deal with the pain and comprehend what made you think of me they way you do.