Babys born!


On 2/12 sound 3:30 I started having irregular mild contractions that I ignored, sent to sleep and woke up at 2 am in some pain. Timed then and they were about 6 minutes apart. I tried moving, a bath, everything i could to see if they would let up or if this was real. By 5:30 my husband was among me to go to the hospital, and by 6 we headed out. The hospital is only about 20 minutes away. When we got here I was contracting 4-5 minutes apart, but only dialated to a 1.5. I walked a total of 3 miles around the hospital and got checked again at 1 and only made it to a 2, so they sent me home. As soon as we get about 5 minutes from home the contractions realyl kicked in! I labored at home for an hour before they were bringing me to my knees. My midwife had told me it'll be hours maybe even a day before I was ready. Well my husband saw the amount of pain I was in and made me go back. As soon as we get back they check me and im dialated to a 9! My husband and I are in disbelief! I tell him to call my mom quickly!. Things happened so quickly I was not able to get any medications, no IV, nothing. After about 45 minutes of pushing our daughter entered the world at 5:24 p.m. 2/14/19 6 pounds 4 ounces💜💜