This time it’s all about us now


We’ve been ttc for 10 months. 10 long months of peeing on sticks, taking my temp each morning, vitamins, timed sex, legs in the air, hoping, praying, squinting at lines that aren’t there, and lots of heart break. At this point I figure it’s just not gonna happen for us til I can get help from my doctor and that can’t be til my annual appointment in April.

Soooooo until that time I’m taking a break. I’m choosing to be kind to my self and take the time between now and then to work on me. Getting healthier. Losing the bit of weight that I gained since starting this journey. Getting back to running which I loved and focusing on a positive mindset. The hubs and I are working hard the next few months to completely pay off all our debt so it’s one less thing to worry about when we do get pregnant. And we are taking back our sex life and doing it whenever and however we want to! We wanna do it everyday we will. We wanna skip some days and just cuddle? Then we will.

The next few months will be solely about getting to the best place we can. The only thing I will still be doing is tracking my temp so my dr has a clear picture of my cycles when I go to her later on. If by some miracle it happens naturally befor then that’s great!! But if not that’s ok too. Please ladies consider doing this too. We put too much stress on ourselves and grow to hate our own bodies. Remember that you are just as important as anything else. Don’t forget to take care of you!!!