God is good! 🙏🏼

Tara • 25 years old. TTC #1 since 7/2018 with my husband of 3 years. ❤️

This morning, I had an ultrasound and progesterone test as part of my fertility workup. I was super nervous for the ultrasound, but everything looked perfect! The nurse said my lining was exactly what it should be at this point in my cycle, and she could even tell I’d ovulated from my right side! I don’t get the progesterone results back until next week, but she was very confident they’d be right where they should be since I definitely ovulated. My husband and I are leaving for a (much needed!) cruise next week, and I’m so glad to be going into it with good news.

CD3 AMH/FSH test - good ✅

CD21 Ultrasound - good ✅ (and progesterone test likely good!)

Husband’s SA - good ✅

Guess we just need to quit stressing and letting it consume our lives. Baby dust to everyone TTC! 💕